In Case You Were Wondering...

"Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names brethren of the same principle." Thomas Jefferson

"I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress." Frederick Douglass


Thursday, February 14, 2008

What Hillary Must Do To Win...

I'm starting feel bad for Hillary. If you think about it, at this point in the campaign she is supposed to be cruising to the nomination and naming her running mate. She should be shopping for her latest designer suit for her inauguration in January. She's supposed to be making the talk show circuit accepting the congratulations of the hosts and basking in the adoration of the masses.

Uh, Hillary have you awakened from your dream yet? You're in a dogfight and pulling out all of the stops just to stay alive for another three weeks. You're 11 points behind in the NATIONAL POLLS and absolutely need to win Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania to stay in this race. Your opponent has won 23 states to her 11 and is still peaking as his momentum and cash build.

Right now, you must think you're in some sort of nightmarish dream. And all when you had just hired an interior decorator to redesign the Oval Office. You also had to cancel the contract for a portrait of yourself to mount on the wall. How dare Obama challenge your ascension to the throne?

Well it's OK Hill-ree because The Brother on the Right wouldn't support you if the fate of the free world depended on it (oh, that's right it does!) but I am still a gentleman and feel badly about seeing Obama hitting you with so many left hooks it'll take you three days in an airplane to get back.

Here's some real advice. I'm being totally serious here. If Hill-ree follows this advice she can still possibly win the Dem nomination. First, stop chasing the black vote. Ain't gonna happen. The black vote is emotionally tied to Barack and no amount of skinnin' and grinnin' and collard green eatin' by your husband is going to change that. Stop trying to say "sista-girl" and "ya'll" because it only makes you look well...silly. And it's insulting. It doesn't matter if you get the NAACP endorsement, the Congressional Black Caucus endorsement, the Harlem Globetrotters endorsement, Jesse's endorsement, you fill in the blank. I don't care whose endorsement you chase after. The black vote is Barack's. No, blacks aren't blindly voting Barack just because he's black, but what you fail to realize is that the black vote is heavily weighted towards him due to the historical significance of the occasion. You can not penetrate 400 years of hope. There is a unprecedented sense of hope arising in the black community and many blacks don't want to miss the opportunity to vote for a viable black candidate. No, not even you can change that.

If you keep wasting time chasing the black vote you will foolishly continue to lose your already weakening base. You have got to consolidate your eroding base while you still have a base to consolidate. The brothers ain't voting "Hillary". Get over it. Show me a brother in the hood with a "Hillary" sticker on the bumper of his "hoop-dee" and I'll show you a chump about to get pulled from his ride to get a beat down. He'll ride away on a tricycle if he's lucky. That bumper will be shoved into an unwelcome place on his anatomy. I'm just keeping it real Hill-ree! You do want to be "down" don't you?

Focus on strengthening the latino vote, lower income white vote, white women vote and the elderly vote. Barack is cutting deeply into your base because your hoping that a photo op of Bill wearing an afro wig will get you over. Nope.

Take it from a brother...we ain't with you. That's "brother" for we are not voting for you. Just in case you try to talk black again. Oh, and don't go out and get extensions and start rolling your neck and practicing black skills. Don't show up on Tyra Banks show trying to dance. We don't like that. Work on your spanish and join AARP. That might help you survive the next three weeks.

Just being a gentleman!

"Love your neighbor as yourself and your country more than yourself."

Thomas Jefferson

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