In Case You Were Wondering...

"Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names brethren of the same principle." Thomas Jefferson

"I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress." Frederick Douglass


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Now your vote is irrelevant!

I just can't help myself. As much as I'd like to comment on something or someone else, it seems like everyday the Clinton campaign does or says something so outrageous that it just requires my attention and comments.

In yet another blatantly brazen display of hubris and total disregard for the will of the voters, the Clinton campaign has stated that Sen. Clinton will win the democratic nomination regardless of the wishes of the voters.

I wish I was only kidding. If we need any more evidence of the coming planned fascist state that the Clintons want to foist upon us then we are completely numb and blind to what it happening. This is the closest thing I have ever seen to a takeover of the will of the people and the US government. I think our nation is on the verge of something sinister and dangerous. We should pay attention to this. I'm hoping to wake up any minute now and realize that this national nightmare known as the Clintons was only a very bad dream.

Hillary now says that the will of the voters is 'irrelevant'. Don't believe me? Just read this story.

This story is crystal clear proof from Clinton's senior advisor that they have absolutely no intention whatsoever of honoring the wishes of the voters. Remember my earlier post that Hillary believes she knows what's best for us? Well, if anyone thought that was just irrational ranting and raving, now I can step back and let Hillary do the dirty work for me. She thinks that the American people have no idea what is best for them and that we need her to guide us and do our thinking for us.

What is the point in voting if party insiders are going to make the decisions for the democrats? Are Barack Obama's efforts wasted because a few insiders winked at each other and gave the nod to Hillary? Will the dems disregard Barack's candidacy even though recent polling data indicate that he will defeat John McCain in the general election and Hillary won't even come close to beating McCain?

I know the democrats frequently disregard logic and reason in their thought process but this is the height of insanity for them. They are actually contemplating the permanent alienation of every voter who voted for Barack Obama, and practically every black person in the US to nominate Hillary when they know she can't beat McCain! They will pass up Obama who can win to nominate Hillary who can't. What part of that makes sense? I'm still waiting....all I hear is crickets in the background.

So, as usual this requires The Brother on the Right to get at what's underneath this crazy reasoning from the dems. And, because the root cause is so easily seen, heck, it's so easily seen a blind man can see it with both eyes closes and his hands over his face; it doesn't require a lot of analysis to identify it. What we are witnessing is what the dems have tried to hide for many, many years. Racism. And I'm not know for using the "R" word because it is too frequently used as a cop out for lack of personal responsibility but friends, this is pure racism at its worst. It's so bad that the dems aren't even trying to hide it. Harold Ickes just said that the Obama voters were "irrelevant". He said it not me. He is saying that the Civil Rights movement just stopped today so that Hillary can be nominated for President. They were ok with all of that Civil Rights stuff as long as it didn't get in the way of Hillary's nomination.

Once those uppity so and so's started voting for Obama, then someone need to put a stop to it and put them back in their place.

But be of good cheer. Since I am a "glass half full" kind of guy I have naturally seen the silver lining to this cloud of racism. When the Clintons attempt to pull this back room deal of seating the Michigan and Florida delegates, and negating the will of the voters, millions and millions of people will finally see the Clintons for what they truly are and then, then my friends I believe we will be rid of them forever. Perhaps we can get to work on real issues. These shenanigans will alienate so many people that I don't think the Clintons will ever be able to recover. They are so far removed from "real people" in their lives that they can't see the freight train that will hit them when they attempt to pull this garbage. And once again, The Brother on the Right will pull up his Barcalounger, put on my slippers, tell Rover to get my remote and enjoy a bucket of popcorn while I watch the end of their hypnotic hold on millions of good people.

"Love your neighbor as yourself and your country more than yourself."

Thomas Jefferson

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