In Case You Were Wondering...

"Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names brethren of the same principle." Thomas Jefferson

"I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress." Frederick Douglass


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Why Bash Bush?

Have you ever been to the home of a really dysfunctional family? The father can't stand the mother. The mother talks about the father like a dog. The kids all seem to have an attitude with each other and everyone else. It's a very uncomfortable feeling just being around them. Then they try to smile around you like everything's alright yet you know they're miserable.

How do we look to the rest of the world when Bush-bashing has become a national sport? What's even more hypocritical of us is the fact that Congress' approval rating is 10+ points lower than the president's. Yet the very people who elected the current congress are the same ones going out of their way to bash the president. Does any of this makes sense? It certainly makes me wonder. And has all of this anger, resentment and outrage towards the president helped anyone? Has it made things better for us or worse?

Well for one thing, it encourages our enemies. Instead of facing a resolute, unified and determined superpower, they see that they are facing a weak, wobbly kneed nation of microwave-friendly, I want it now, I'll quit if I don't get it yesterday scare-dee cats. They know that we don't have the resolve to face them down in the long run.

I don't agree with Bush on a lot of things, but one thing I know we have to do is support the chief executive when we are in middle of a war. Support does not mean blindly agree with everything he says or does; it means that we are all standing on the right side of the line when the bullets start flying. It does not mean that we make sport of the man and reduce his effectiveness and ability to lead. Frankly, our treatment of the president is embarrassing. The rest of the world is shaking their heads and laughing at our shameful criticism of him.

Of course we have 1st amendment rights and protections to speak our minds. Yes we do have the ability to say what we mean. It doesn't mean that we have to drag the man's name through the mud just because we can. Whenever we make sport of our leader and reduce him to a joke, we only hurt ourselves and minimize our prestige in the eyes of the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I totally agree with you. It is getting to the point of being ridiculous how much Bush-bashing is going on. Like you, I don't agree with him on everything, but this is just getting silly and it makes us all look pretty stupid.

Nice blog, by the way.

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